Desert Gardens: Designing Sustainable Landscapes For Desert Living

desert landscape design

By strategically designing rain gardens, you can slow rainwater in its path, direct it on an efficient journey throughout your yard, and capture and store the water for later use. It is a simple yet effective way to make the most of desert rain and reduce reliance on traditional water sources. Dig a long trench along the length of your yard, fill it up will pebbles, gravel, or small boulders to create a dry stream bed. This will look as beautiful as a stream of water, besides adding a dreamy appeal to your yard.

Use Appropriate Desert Landscaping Ideas

Home tour: An eco-conscious home in Las Vegas with breathtaking desert views - Tatler Taiwan

Home tour: An eco-conscious home in Las Vegas with breathtaking desert views.

Posted: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Additionally, incorporate recycled materials such as reclaimed wood or metal in hardscape elements like fences, pathways, or garden structures. Succulent plants and shrubs are a great idea for your yard but none are more beautiful than the paddle plant. For those who want more color, you may have found that red plants are hard to come by. The red pancake is perfect for breaking up a green and stone landscape and is sure to catch the eye of any guest who is in your backyard. If you have a large yard, a tree can be a great focal point and you can also plant smaller shrubs or grass. If you don’t want to wait a couple of decades for a fully grown tree, then there are companies out there that sell and deliver trees in a wide variety of sizes.

desert landscape design

Understand the Difference Between Cacti and Succulents

To complement the architecture of the adobe house, Martino designed an “old-fashioned” pool, a shoebox with straight sides and square corners. Martino has collected 21 of his favorite landscape projects in a new book called Desert Gardens of Steve Martino (Monacelli Press). Here are 10 garden design tips for how to embrace the natural theatricality of the desert, illustrated with photos from the book. By choosing drought-tolеrant plants, you will savе watеr and rеducе thе nееd for constant irrigation. In addition, makе surе to considеr thе sizе and growth habits of thе plants, so thеy fit wеll in your spacе without a lot of pruning. Go for plants that are native to deserts or can handle dry conditions.

Desert Landscape Design Ideas Now Available from Phoenix

The desert often gets a bad rep compared to its lush green counterparts. When we think of landscaping, it’s usually within the context of flora and fauna, woodland surroundings, or tropical havens. However, the desert holds a striking beauty of its own, and many are reassessing the potential of their own arid abode, as these desert landscaping ideas will illustrate. Choose plants that grow naturally in arid climes, like agave, kalanchoe, aloe vera, yucca, echeveria, pencil plant, and even palm trees. Be sure to include flowers that can survive long periods without water, like lavender, blackfoot daisy, and desert willow, to add a touch of color.

Different Types of Newbuild Home Design

An accent wall doesn’t necessarily serve any structural purpose but offers a visual effect. They may serve a functional purpose, such as offering some privacy or as a pool waterfall, but many are used as a backdrop for other features, such as a garden or bed of ornamental grasses. Incorporate natural elements such as rocks, sand, and gravel to mimic the desert environment.

Desert Landscaping Ideas with a Pool

While the columnar cactus is great for those who want to design a structured landscape, the prickly pear cactus is ideal for those who are happy to be a little wilder. These grow freely towards the sun and end up with large flat branches rather than growing out in cylinders. In conclusion, the captivating world of desert landscaping offers a myriad of possibilities to transform your outdoor space into a harmonious oasis. Achieve a sense of order and balance by incorporating geometric patterns into your landscape. From symmetrical plant arrangements to precise paving designs, geometric elements add a touch of sophistication to your desert oasis.

Designing the Desert: Landscape & the Painted Desert Community Complex (U.S - National Park Service

Designing the Desert: Landscape & the Painted Desert Community Complex (U.S.

Posted: Fri, 07 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Their versatility makes them equally good for ground cover or leading up to a porch. Due to their pretty and cute design, they will help with a home’s curb appeal while not being too difficult to either plant or maintain. They also complement other types of greenery, such as shrubs or different types of grass.

Craft stylish pergolas or shade structures using materials that resonate with the desert aesthetic. Not only do they provide relief from the sun’s intensity, but they also add architectural elegance to your outdoor space. Implement drip irrigation systems to nourish your plants efficiently, minimizing water wastage while ensuring a thriving and sustainable oasis. Imagine turning those brief, beautiful desert rain showers into a sustainable water source for your yard. Water – Use It Wisely offers a Rainwater Harvesting page including all the best resources that help to reduce the mystery of passive rainwater harvesting.

Pitfalls to Avoid: The Don’ts of Desert Landscape Design

"They bring character, structure, and stand as a sculpture when planted alone or amid plants with softer foliage." An exceptional desert landscape goes beyond visual appeal; it’s about creating functional and inviting outdoor spaces. Explore innovative ways to integrate seating areas, dining spaces, and recreational zones seamlessly into your design. Uncover the secrets of harnessing natural shade elements like pergolas and strategically placed rocks to make your outdoor oasis as functional as it is beautiful. This section will guide you in maximizing the potential of your space for both aesthetics and practicality, offering insights into the art of creating dynamic outdoor living environments. In this extensive guide, we will delve deep into the dos and don’ts of crafting a stunning and sustainable landscape.

Put the high-water plants closer to water sources or shade, while the low-water ones can handle more sun. If you are one of the people who think of the term "desert garden" as an oxymoron, it's time to reconsider and push the images of barren sand dunes out of your mind. Beautiful gardens can exist in the desert, and many desert gardens are incredibly vibrant and full of plant life.

Instead of a water-hogging lawn, plant a desert garden suited to natural conditions. Rasmussen used this desert landscaping idea across a client's front yard. He used a bed of chat and strategically scattered lava rocks to tie the plantings to the adjoining landscape. The desert has long attracted those seeking an alternative beauty—a beauty that is as strong as it is resilient. Here we show you that the best desert landscape ideas are not for the uninspired or unimaginative, but for the man who sees what the average soul overlooks.

These 20 inexpensive desert landscaping ideas are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to creating your outdoor oasis. Fortunately, desert landscapes are minimalistic in nature, which makes them a cost-effective choice from the start. And because they’re low-maintenance and have low water needs, a desert-inspired backyard can save you both time and money over the years. All it takes is a little ingenuity, and you can get the perfect landscape without spending a ton of your hard-earned money.


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